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Long Lane Theatre Company Productions

The Review Hub


The Giant Killers

A Long Lane Theatre Company Production

Written by Andrew Pearson-Wright & Eve Pearson-Wright



Set in the early years of Association Football, The Giant Killers follows a ragtag bunch of Lancashire mill workers who defied all odds to become the first working-class team in the country to play in the FA Cup.


Following a celebrated 5-star debut at Edinburgh Fringe Festival and a nationwide tour of the UK, Long Lane Theatre Company are excited to be bringing this sought-after play back to Edinburgh for the 2022 festival. 


Read more about the play and see it's previous reviews HERE.


Returning to Edinburgh 2022

Tickets now available​


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Arty's Ani-Magination

A Long Lane Theatre Company Production

Written by Eve Pearson-Wright

Music and lyrics by Abigail Carter-Simpson

Directed by Eve Pearson-Wright


Arty is a normal ten year old girl who doesn't like her older sister an longs for a life free from rules. Taking inspiration from her school project on animals she wishes she could be more animal than human, only this wish actually comes true, but it's not just her!!


This family musical is jam packed with monkey business, hyena laughs and toe tapping tunes which are sure to leave you smiling!


On sale now Edinburgh 2022

Tickets available now​



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The Actress

A Long Lane Theatre Company Production

Written and directed by Andrew Pearson-Wright


1660, London England. Charles II has returned to the country to take the throne and immediately reopened the theatres. Speculation is swirling around London that for the first time a woman will be allowed onto the stage. The Kings company invite two very different women, from very different backgrounds to join them, planning to use only one of them for the role of Desdemona in their upcoming production of Othello. Eventually the choice is made - Anne Marshall becomes the first professional actress of the British stage but while her competitor Margaret Hughes rises to fame and fortune Anne becomes a forgotten footnote in History, eventually even having this incredible achievement taken from her and attributed to Margaret. This new play explores why that was and tells the incredible true story of the two woman that would shape the paths of those that would follow them. 

On sale now Edinburgh 2022

Tickets available now


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72 Linkfield Road



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